Wednesday 24 October 2012

Northampton Business Slow To Embrace Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing And Business Apps In Northampton

"Northampton mobile maketing and business apps"
 Most businesses in Northampton have more than likely heard of mobile marketing, but yet still only a small percentage are actually maximizing the potential that mobile marketing can give them.   With the huge boom  in the sale and increased use in smartphones and mobile devices such as the iPad to gain access the internet increasing numbers of companies are now beginning to embrace the power of mobile marketing 

An extremely popular form of mobile marketing is SMS text marketing (Short Message Service), which is proving togive businesses an excellent return on investment (ROI).  Studies have shown that over 95% of text messages are opened in under 4 minutes and have a good rate of achieving some form of action from the text.

Recently Google carried out a study and found that more than 80% of business web sites are still not optimized for mobile phones or mobile devices.   More than eight million people in the UK access the Internet from their smartphone every day.  Currently 23 million smartphones in the UK and the number is growing steadily – which is almost 50% of all mobile phones.

So any smartphone user who tries to access a non optimized site will encounter problems with the site opening and when it does finally load the format will be too difficult to view.  As a business owner in Northampton you need to take heed as the market is evolving away from conventional laptop and desktop computers to smartphones and tablets.  By the end of 2013 more people will be accessing the internet by mobile devices than a conventional computer.  So if your site is not made mobile friendly you will be losing visitors to your web site which means a possible drop in turnover.

So if you are a business owner you need to address this situation and ensure that your business is not going to miss out on the mobile marketing revolution.  Because those businesses that fully implement a mobile marketing strategy will reap the rewards.

I am sure you are aware of the death of the yellow pages book, well these days people do their research online before making any purchases.  To carry out this research for local suppliers people are using their mobile smartphone or tablet.

So if your business is one of the 80% of businesses without a mobile optimized web site I would recommend you make it a priority.  Why would you waste all that money and time on branding your company and then when people try to access your site they can‘t get your web site to load on their mobile phone!....... you are wasting your money, but also what message is this giving?

The question is do you want your business to be seen as a dinosaur or a modern business in touch with new technology?

We know that mobile marketing gives the best ROI, but if you combine mobile marketing with business apps your ROI will be even better.  Global BizznessApps have taken this concept a number of steps further by providing a unique business apps package. Watch the video below for more details.

In the past it was only the large companies that could afford the high cost of business apps, but now that is no longer the case.  Because Global BizznessApps service allows their clients to use a simple system where they can build their own business apps online. Clients use an online content management system to select a business template and then select and build the apps they wish to use.  There are over 42 apps packed with more being developed with superb features to enhance any business web site.  But better still is that Global BizznessApps gives you an app providing you with free unlimited messaging as part of the apps package.